Victims of trucking accidents are frequently seriously injured and are often entitled to compensation for their injuries. Unfortunately at the same time that they are dealing with their injuries and related damages they must face the daunting task of determining who is responsible for their injuries and or property loss. Is it the driver? Is it the trucking company? Is the driver’s insurance company who pays or is it the trucking company’s insurance company?

You don’t want to face these confusing situations alone. The driver and the trucking company have legal representation. The only way that the playing field is balanced is if you have an attorney as well. But you don’t want just any attorney, you want an experienced litigator who makes sure that no one tramples on your rights or intimidates you into accepting an unfair settlement. Luchnick Law firm is an experienced in handling commercial vehicle cases, and will work hard to tip the playing field in your favor.

An 18-wheeler weighs on average 80,000 pounds, nearly 20 times that of a typical car, and a collision with one often results in horrific circumstances. On top of that in the past two decades trucking accidents are up 20% and the costs associated with causing an accident are going up rapidly as well. If you or a loved one were injured in an accident caused by an 18-wheeler or any other company vehicle, contact the Luchnick Law Firm right away so we can begin the process of holding the company responsible for your injuries and any associated damages.